The people of AnaVation have kept Lucas at AnaVation.

Lucas began his time at AnaVation as a software engineer intern the summer of 2019. As a software engineer intern, he created a proof-of-concept Android application and site. He returned as an intern the following year where he created a proof of concept “DVR” plugin for the Army CPCE software. Lucas also served as a junior software developer part-time during the school year.

“As an intern, AnaVation’s Intern Program pairs everyone up with a mentor, which gave me a good feel for what the company is like, but also an opportunity to ask questions about working full-time and in the government contracting space,” he said.

After graduating from Virginia Tech with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, he joined AnaVation full-time in August 2021. “As a full-time employee, again, it’s the people. With a smaller sized company, you get to know a lot of the people in the company, even if they aren’t working on the same project as you. It’s always a pleasure working with everyone!”

AnaVation events that Lucas has attended include the summer company picnic, one of the win parties, and AnaVation’s most recent Holiday Party. “The AnaVation events are a great time to catch up with others that I’ve worked with previously in AnaVation but who are on other projects. For the larger, company-wide events, they have door prizes and once I won an herb growing kit!”

Lucas also enjoys the work-life balance at AnaVation. “Outside of work, a skill that I’ve been practicing is learning to improvise music on the piano. I guess you could say that, at work, I’m on the keyboard, and at home, I’m still on the keyboard – just a different kind of keyboard!”