We are excited to feature one of our Co-Leads of the Internship Program and Associate Software Engineers, who has been with AnaVation since July 2022.

Ashley started as a Business Analyst after graduating from Virginia Tech and has since grown into her current role as an Associate Software Engineer. In her role as a Business Analyst, she supported our corporate Business Development division in support of the proposal process. Being a new graduate joining the workforce, she felt a bit lost, but her mentor quickly helped her navigate everything and offered support regarding working life. “I feel very lucky to have a mentor and colleague that believe in me and support all my endeavors.” As an Associate Software Engineer, she has had the opportunity to be onsite with our clients, providing support to them. In her recent position as an Intern Co-Lead, she got to know all the wonderful summer interns of 2023 and worked through their projects with them.

Ashley has attended several AnaVation events, including the 2023 holiday party and the family picnics. She says, “The events allow for the opportunity to interact with coworkers outside of the workplace as well as engage with their partners.” She enjoys catching up with old coworkers and managers, keep up with current coworkers, and expand her network within the community. Ashley shared that her favorite thing that has kept her at AnaVation has been the people. “Some of the brightest, most innovative, yet kindest people I’ve met in the workforce have been here!”

A few aspects of AnaVation’s culture that stand out to Ashley the most are the availability of flexibility, time off, and company size. She highlights that being at a smaller company, people care and invest in the well-being of coworkers. They understand when people need to be flexible to fit in their everyday duties, aspirations outside the office, and some much-needed R&R to revitalize for a better tomorrow – which is always supported and celebrated here at AnaVation.