Since 2017, AnaVation has invested resources in our intern and NexGen programs, initiatives to invest in the next generation of AnaVators.
Our intern program recruits students from schools in the local area or by word of mouth. Tae Hun, who started at AnaVation as a Cyber Security Intern, heard about AnaVation through George Mason’s Handshake. When asked what got him to apply to AnaVation, Tae Hun said, “I thought their name was intriguing, I liked their heavy emphasis on innovation and providing value.”
The internship program immerses students in the AnaVation’s workplace culture. As a Cyber Security Intern, Tae Hun and other interns worked on a team to create a DevSecOps pipeline to process and examine code for any unwanted material, such as vulnerabilities or secret keys.
Tae Hun has a return offer once he graduates in December, and he currently serves as a Corp IT II Intern. “I chose AnaVation because I really enjoyed my time here as an intern. The culture is great, people were accessible and easy to talk to, the work was fun and challenging and I learned a lot of new things that I can apply towards my career.”