After two summers of interning at AnaVation and graduating from Virginia Tech in May of 2022, Victor joined AnaVation full time the following July. His biggest worry? Getting used to the work environment. “I initially worried that working would be a bit of a stuffy thing where most people are stressed and stuck complaining about their workload, but it’s turned out to be more flexible and rewarding than I had anticipated.”

Victor was surprised about AnaVation’s corporate culture. “The structural hierarchy is still there, so you still have to go up the chain of command when appropriate, but it is not rare to see people in leadership positions when doing company events. They’re quite involved with the company as a community,” he said.

It’s not just leadership that caught Victor off-guard. “Everyone is very supportive. Colleagues on the same project help each other out with understanding what needs to be done and approach how it can be done. If they cannot personally help, they will try to find someone else who can,” he said.

One company event Victor has attended is AnaVation’s Holiday Party. “I was able to meet a colleague that I would have otherwise never met, since we work on different projects, and we were able to connect by talking about our alma mater and generally getting to know each other a bit.”

Victor’s current role as an Associate Software Engineer enables him to work remotely most of the time. He explained:

“The flexible work times also allow me to get my work done while enabling me to make time for friends and family whenever I need to, which helps with the work-life balance.”

When asked how AnaVation supports his personal life, he didn’t hesitate to mention the health insurance. “Health insurance has been a pleasure to work with so far, as the network coverage is wide and I can set up appointments quickly so that I can maintain my health and address any problems,” Victor said.

Victor sees himself staying at AnaVation for the near future. “The pay is good, the benefits are also good, and the work culture is positive. I’m happy working with this company.”