At AnaVation, we take great pride in providing our interns with opportunities that challenge and expand their skills. This summer, we were fortunate to welcome back several talented interns. Two of our second-year interns, Steven N. and Kaylee C., were given the chance to support a billable project. Steven and Kaylee shared insights into their experiences and the skills they acquired during this rewarding summer. 

For Steven, this summer at AnaVation was nothing short of transformative. “My second internship with AnaVation was the best experience I have had” he emphasized. Steven highlighted how the collaborative environment and mentorship from colleagues significantly enhanced his technical abilities and teamwork in software development and project management. Meanwhile, Kaylee’s return to AnaVation this summer allowed her to dive deeper into the world of software engineering. She described her experience as incredibly rewarding, thanks to a supportive team that helped her grow both personally and professionally. 

Steven had the opportunity to work with an exceptional team on a complex project. “I found working on front-end development projects both interesting and challenging, especially since I had never learned these languages before,” he shared. The experience of learning and implementing new technologies was a game-changer for Steven, allowing him to develop functional and visually appealing web solutions. Kaylee worked on creating a web portal for various operational services and applications. Within this project, she found the process of debugging and resolving code issues particularly intriguing and challenging. “It’s been a great learning experience to identify problems, work through them, and see the direct impact of my solutions,” she noted. She gained valuable insights into the software development lifecycle through her involvement in deploying changes and observing the testing phase. 

During his internship, Steven acquired proficiency in HTML, JavaScript, and the Vue.js framework, applying these skills to develop interactive web pages. Additionally, he gained hands-on experience in Agile methodology, further deepening his understanding of the software development lifecycle. This summer, Kaylee significantly improved her skills in JavaScript, React, and Git. She credits her growth to the practical experience she gained and the opportunity to learn from experienced team members. By mimicking their methods and applying what she learned, Kaylee has enhanced her technical proficiency and gained a deeper understanding of complex concepts. 

As they both wrap up their internship at AnaVation, Steven is eager to bring his newly acquired skills and knowledge to academic projects and future career opportunities. As for Kaylee, her experience has solidified her passion for software engineering, and she is eager to continue contributing to meaningful projects. 

The experiences of Steven and Kaylee reflect the heart of AnaVation’s internship program—providing hands-on, real-world experiences that prepare our interns for success. We’re proud of the growth our returning interns have achieved and look forward to seeing the impact they will make in the future!