Stephanie Simeone

Headshot for Stephanie

Stephanie Simeone

  • Title:  Principal

Stephanie focuses on strategic pursuits and capture activities for AnaVation.  She was responsible for managing AnaVation’s Army RS3 IDIQ contract, along with overseeing the Federal Engineering Division. Prior to AnaVation, Stephanie co-founded ALON, Inc., an Information Technology and Program Management company supporting mission-critical programs for Homeland Security, Law Enforcement and Defense agencies. As CEO, she grew ALON into a $45M a year business supporting more than 20 agencies across the U.S. leading to its acquisition. ALON received numerous awards, including the Department of Homeland Security’s Small Business of the Year.

She has an M.B.A from George Washington University and a B.A., International Studies, from The American University.

Stephanie is focused on fostering a culture of innovation as AnaVation continues its rapid growth.